Python 3 porting clinic at Pycon 2013
Barry Warsaw
2013-01-11 22:01:45 UTC
Since this year ends in a '3', let's call 2013 The Year of Python 3.

To that end, I'm planning on leading a Python 3 Porting Clinic at Pycon 2013.
My thought is that we would do at least one Open Spaces session in the evening
of the conference proper, probably on the first night, and depending on
turnout and interest, do one or more on the following nights. We'd give a
brief primer on porting, and invite people to come and get help porting their
libraries and applications to Python 3.

The Pycon organizers seem enthusiastic about this, so I think we can get some
good publicity. I'm happy to put together some preliminary material, and lead
the effort, but I'd love it if a few other people with lots of porting
experience also volunteer to help.

If you have the experience and interest to help co-lead, answer questions,
etc. please contact me off-list. I'll put together a wiki page on the Pycon
site your names, etc.


Facundo Batista
2013-01-12 01:59:31 UTC
Post by Barry Warsaw
To that end, I'm planning on leading a Python 3 Porting Clinic at Pycon 2013.
My thought is that we would do at least one Open Spaces session in the evening
of the conference proper, probably on the first night, and depending on
turnout and interest, do one or more on the following nights. We'd give a
brief primer on porting, and invite people to come and get help porting their
libraries and applications to Python 3.
I will not be in PyCon USA this year, but I think this is a very
interesting idea... let's try to reproduce it in every Python event we
assist, being it a PyCon, a PyDay, a PyCamp, a PyWhatever, wherever.

Thanks Barry!
. Facundo

Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/
Twitter: @facundobatista
Barry Warsaw
2013-01-12 17:02:29 UTC
Post by Facundo Batista
I will not be in PyCon USA this year, but I think this is a very
interesting idea... let's try to reproduce it in every Python event we
assist, being it a PyCon, a PyDay, a PyCamp, a PyWhatever, wherever.
Thanks Barry!
Sure thing. :)

BTW, I've started putting together a quick tips page and a collection of


It really doesn't need to be Ubuntu specific, so if we can find a more generic
home for this, I'm happy to migrate it.

Barry Warsaw
2013-01-14 10:37:38 UTC
Why not the porting howto? Still need to re-orient towards common code over
Do you mean Lennart's book at http://python3porting.com/ ? Is there a branch
available for hacking on?

Lennart Regebro
2013-01-14 20:44:56 UTC
Post by Barry Warsaw
Do you mean Lennart's book at http://python3porting.com/ ? Is there a branch
available for hacking on?
Nope. I've though about making that possible, but currently decided
against it. I'm thinking about a second edition though, but I have no
time for the moment.
Éric Araujo
2013-01-14 21:06:10 UTC
Post by Barry Warsaw
Why not the porting howto? Still need to re-orient towards common code over
Do you mean Lennart's book at http://python3porting.com/ ?
I assume Brett was thinking about the Python and C porting howtos in the
official documentation.

Brett Cannon
2013-01-14 20:20:32 UTC
No, I meant http://docs.python.org/3/howto/pyporting.html
Post by Barry Warsaw
Why not the porting howto? Still need to re-orient towards common code over
Do you mean Lennart's book at http://python3porting.com/ ? Is there a branch
available for hacking on?
Brett Cannon
2013-01-12 18:30:38 UTC
Why not the porting howto? Still need to re-orient towards common code over
Post by Barry Warsaw
Post by Facundo Batista
I will not be in PyCon USA this year, but I think this is a very
interesting idea... let's try to reproduce it in every Python event we
assist, being it a PyCon, a PyDay, a PyCamp, a PyWhatever, wherever.
Thanks Barry!
Sure thing. :)
BTW, I've started putting together a quick tips page and a collection of
It really doesn't need to be Ubuntu specific, so if we can find a more generic
home for this, I'm happy to migrate it.
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