help python2.6 ubuntu 10.04‏
nou nou
2012-11-07 13:16:53 UTC
Hi everyone,I use ubuntu 10.04 and tinyos-2.1.1
I have a problem when i want run "make micaz sim"The problem is the following :
mkdir -p simbuild/micazmake: python2.6.5-config: Command not foundmake: python2.6.5-config: Command not foundmake: python2.6.5-config: Command not found

I try to update and install "python2.6-dev"
I add also "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/include/python2.6"
I also modified PYTHON_VERSION=2.6.5
in 'sim-fast.extra', 'sim-sf.extra' and 'sim.extra' files located in <TOS_root>/support/make
Have you any idea??
R. David Murray
2012-11-07 13:41:34 UTC
Post by nou nou
Hi everyone,I use ubuntu 10.04 and tinyos-2.1.1
mkdir -p simbuild/micazmake: python2.6.5-config: Command not foundmake: python2.6.5-config: Command not foundmake: python2.6.5-config: Command not found
I would suggest posting to either a mailing list dealing with tinyos,
or perhaps to the python-list mailing list. The topic for this list is
helping people port programs from Python2 to Python3, so you are much
more likely to find people who will answer your question on those other
mailing lists than you are to find them on this one.

