A website to help Python 3 porting
Baiju M
2011-02-09 17:25:45 UTC
Hi All,
I was working on a website to help porting libraries to Python 3:
http://getpython3.net/ Some of the BangPypers members also
helped me to develop this site:

I am looking forward to your feedback. I am interested to know
the features which will be useful for the developers.

I already have some feature in my todo list:

1) Tag (keyword/label) feature. So that users can add
tags like: fedora15, ubuntu1104, django, pylons, macos etc.

2) "feedback" script: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedback
This will provide a console script (setuptools based entry point)
which can be used to submit feedback directly from the
machine. In order to accomplish this I also want to
create a RESTful API: http://getpython3.net/api/1.0/newfeedback

4) Auto-detect the trove classifier (Programming Language :: Python :: 3)
and display it prominently, see this page:

5) Show the dependent distributions for a distribution (may be a tree)

If you have any other suggestion, please add the entry here
or reply to this mail:

If anyone interested to work on this project, let me know. You can create
forks and make pull requests here: https://github.com/baijum/getpython3

Baiju M
Lennart Regebro
2011-02-09 20:46:30 UTC
Good idea, keep it going!
Post by Baiju M
Hi All,
http://getpython3.net/  Some of the BangPypers members also
I am looking forward to your feedback.  I am interested to know
the features which will be useful for the developers.
1) Tag (keyword/label) feature.  So that users can add
tags like: fedora15, ubuntu1104, django, pylons, macos etc.
2)  "feedback" script: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/feedback
This will provide a console script (setuptools based entry point)
which can be used to submit feedback directly from the
machine.  In order to accomplish this I also want to
create a RESTful API: http://getpython3.net/api/1.0/newfeedback
4) Auto-detect the trove classifier (Programming Language :: Python :: 3)
5) Show the dependent distributions for a distribution (may be a tree)
If you have any other suggestion, please add the entry here
If anyone interested to work on this project, let me know.  You can create
forks and make pull requests here: https://github.com/baijum/getpython3
Baiju M
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