3rd Party Packages in Python 3.0
Stephen Chappell
2009-01-29 16:57:49 UTC
This looked like the best "forum" to ask this on, so here it goes.
Is there a list of third-party software/packages/modules that are
compatible with Python 3.0? Version 2.6 might be supported
better right now, but it would be nice to start developing and
porting over to 3.0. Without some needed dependencies external
to the main Python distribution, that can be rather difficult (others
are probably running into similar problems). Any help or list of
compatible packages would be greatly appreciated!
Consider, friend, as you pass by, as you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, you too shall be. Prepare, therefore, to follow me.
Michael Watkins
2009-01-30 16:42:35 UTC
Post by Stephen Chappell
This looked like the best "forum" to ask this on, so here it goes.
Is there a list of third-party software/packages/modules that are
compatible with Python 3.0?
Just browse the Python Package Index:

Stephen Chappell
2009-01-31 18:46:33 UTC
Thanks a lot! I did not know that there were subcategories there. [?]
Post by Michael Watkins
Post by Stephen Chappell
This looked like the best "forum" to ask this on, so here it goes.
Is there a list of third-party software/packages/modules that are
compatible with Python 3.0?
Consider, friend, as you pass by, as you are now, so once was I.
As I am now, you too shall be. Prepare, therefore, to follow me.